Top 10 Spanish Phrases You Need Know While in Puerto Vallarta

One of the things that makes Puerto Vallarta a favorite destination for tourists and expats alike, is that fact that almost anywhere you go you’ll encounter someone who can speak at least a little English. However, when in Mexico…it’s always good to have an archive of Spanish phrases you can dig out when you need to speak the national language. Locals appreciate when visitors and foreigners do their best to communicate in Spanish; plus, Spanish is a beautiful language to learn!

We’ve put together a list of 10 Spanish phrases we feel you should know while in Puerto Vallarta, or anywhere else in Mexico for that matter.

  1. Hola, me llamo _______. Mucho gusto!”
    Hello, my name is __________. It’s nice to meet you!
  1. Quiero practicar mi español.”
    I want to practice my Spanish.
  1. “Como puedo llegar a _________?”
    How can I get to ___________?
  1. “Donde está el baño?”
    Where is the bathroom?
  1. “Puedo usar tu telefono, por favor?” & “Puedo usar tu cargador para celular, por favor?”
    Can I use your phone, please? & Can I use your phone charger, please?
  1. “Me puede traer la cuenta, por favor?”
    Can you bring me the check, please?
  1. Con permiso, por favor.”
    Excuse me, please.
  1. “No entiendo.”
    I don’t understand.
  1. “Usted habla ingles?”
    Do you speak English?
  1. “Acepta tarjetas de credito?”
    Do you accept credit cards?

While in Puerto Vallarta, it’s important to have some Spanish under your belt so that you can have an easier time communicating with locals and finding your way around the city. These are 10 Spanish phrases you can begin with, but there is always more to learn on your way to becoming fluent!

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